This week, Seaside’s Fall Program commenced at the Wave, our practice facility. Over 350 kids are participating in the weeknight and weekend programs. “Kids (and parents) have been waiting for so long to get back onto the courts, evident by the huge number of registrations that we have received” said Club President Shane Donen. “However, all of the coaches and administrators have a heightened awareness of the anxiety that we all have with re-entering sport participation. We are very hopeful that the measures that we are taking to keep our members and coaches safe, abiding by the most recent phase 3 return to play plans will keep things under control.”
As much as we all want to high five and hug our friends, we need to remember to socially distance and show support in different ways. For one of those ways, we created a new design featured in this article. The design essentially illustrates the “new normal” and some of the ways to support each other through these unusual times. Look for this new design at our facility and popping up T-shirts during club season!