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Mark Medalla

Mark Medalla

Mark Medalla (Seaside's Vice President) has been coaching with Seaside for over 14 years and has been a club director for 13 years. He has coached many successful teams between 13-18U boys and girls, and earned numerous medals at the provincial and national level along the way. Team BC accolades include: Gold Medal at the BC Cup Indoor and Beach (Team BC Zone 4, Boys); Silver Medal at the BC Summer games 2022 (Team BC Zone 4, Girls).  

Mark is passionate about coaching high level youth volleyball with a focus on long term athletic development.  He is also an NCCP Advanced Level II coach.  Mark played club volleyball with White Rock VC, high school volleyball at Queen Elizabeth, and played many years of Senior Mens Tier 1 Club Volleyball.  

Mark is a local business entrepreneur and will be the lead assistant coach for our 17U Girls Surf team this coming 2025 season.