This 2019 season marks the end of Seaside's 16th year of existence. This year, the club has 7 graduating athletes who received scholarships from the club. "These 6 athletes add to a long list of scholarship recipients from the club" says Shane Donen, president of the club. "We are very proud of these individuals who have been with us for at least 5 years. They have been stellar ambassadors for the club." The following athletes are the 2019 recipients of the Seaside Volleyball Club scholarships;
Nick Prokopich
Gershawn Kaler
Jason McGonigle
Chris Hamilton
Gavin Payne
Stefanie Mrakuzic
Jenna Kendrick
Seaside gives out annual scholarships to athletes who have been with the club a minimum of 5 years and finish their tenure with the club on one of their 18U teams.