Since 2010 Seaside Volleyball Club has given out more than $17,000 in scholarships to graduating athletes who have been with the club 5 or more years. 43 athletes in total to date. This year we have five graduating athletes who will be receiving Seaside Scholarships. The following 5 athletes have received scholarships to help them with their first year university entrance fees;
Sabrina Chapman (UBCO)
Alicia Hornby (UBC)
Sophie Hornby (UBC)
Tayah Mrcela (Douglas College)
Scarlett Rogers-MacDonald (UVIC)
Tayah Mrcela will not only be going to Douglas for academics, but will be playing for their Varsity Volleyball team come September. Further to the list above, 5 more of their Surf teammates are graduating grade 12 this year and attending university. These promising young women include;
Jaymie Caldwell (UVIC)
Callie Wolsey (BYU)
Francesca Fakidis (SFU)
Maddie Murphy (VIU)
Summer Milne (TBC)
Congratulations to all of the graduates and recipients for 2020!